DEALL Week Update Day 4
Let's Roll had the perfect day for a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge, and then spend time biking around Sausalito.
NYC - Urban Equality and Accessibility explored the Queens, including the MoMA PS1 and Jackson Heights.
Property Dragons visited the Town School for Boys for more lobby inspiration, and are working on their proposals for our own lobby remodel.
Monterey Bay Marine Science went kayaking in Elkhart Slough Lagoon, and then met with a ranger in Fort Ord National Park to rid the dunes of invasive plants.
Latin American Voyage went to learn about social justice for latin communities, and practiced printmaking at Calixto Robles’ studio
Circular Fashion continued thrifting, and spend the afternoon compiling a list of sustainable brands, where to sell, and where to donate clothes in SF.
Bay Area Jazz went to see Nicholas Beard at the Keys Jazz Bistro, and will be going to another jazz concert tonight.
A Sense of Place finished the final half of the Crosstown Trail.
TECHStyles tackled a new challenge - knitting ramen!
Animation Experience indulge in some creative free-time, and began working on their own short animation stories.
New Orleans Past to Future went for a boat tour, explored the Whitney Plantation, and met with local artist @bmike2c
Migrant Foodways explored French cuisine, and ventured to the Ferry Building for some special treats.
Peace, Love and DEALL created a 70s classic; tie dye t-shirts!
Reaching New Heights truly took to their name, and embarked on their second day of climbing.